3 Steps To Glowing Skin From Within 

3 Steps To Glowing Skin From Within 

1. Drink warm lemon water when rising 

Lemons are a great source of antioxidants, Vitamin C &  polyphenols which are amazing for the skin. Adding it to warm water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach creates an alkaline environment and is also great for stimulating your metabolism. 

Add the juice of half a lemon to your favourite mug, and top with warm water. 

* To save time, juice a few lemons at a time and store in a jar in the fridge.

2.Take a high quality Omega supplement 

Essential Fatty Acids are integral in supporting the skin to function well and to glow from within. You can usually purchase from any pharmacy and health food store. I take the Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega because it has the perfect ratio of DPA to EPA which is necessary for skin support. It is also ethically sourced. 

These are available in clinic. 

3.Dry body brushing 

Stimulating the lymphatic system is often overlooked, dry body brushing is a simple effective way to do this. Start at your ankles and brush upwards with gentle sweeping pressure to your thighs, hands to arms, and gentle circular movements over your stomach. Remember you’re always moving towards your heart. It is suggested to do before showering, however I would say anytime is better than none! 

If you would like a consultation or to join my email list please email natasha@kardiaskinandbody.com.au

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